Tag Archives: plumbing leads

Top 5 Plumbing Industry Trends for 2024


The plumbing industry is a critical component of modern infrastructure, ensuring clean water and proper sanitation for millions. According to statistics, the worldwide plumbing market is predicted to reach $82.2 billion in 2030, with an annual growth rate of roughly 5.4%.

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Staying on top of current plumbing industry developments is important for maintaining a competitive advantage. Awareness of industry trends allows businesses to prepare for market demands, optimize processes and provide upgraded services, these all ultimately lead to customer satisfaction. Let’s take a look at the advantages of getting familiar with industry trends

✅ The Benefits of Being Aware of Trends

  • Operational Efficiency adopting the newest trends and technology can help you optimize your operation, reduce waste and save money.
  • Competitive advantage being ahead of competitors by staying up to date can help your plumbing business get the most recent and inventive solutions.
  • Future Preparation – understanding trends helps you to foresee changes in the market and customer preferences, so then you can adapt your business strategy according to the plans. It ensures stability and long-term success.

Top 5 Plumbing Industry Trends for 2024

  1. Smart Plumbing Systems
  2. Pipe Materials
  3. Sustainable and Green Plumbing
  4. Tankless Water Heaters
  5. Augmented Reality (AR)

1. Smart Plumbing Systems

Modern technology has made life easier for everyone, including those in the plumbing industry. Smart plumbing systems use Internet of Things technology to provide more efficient and responsive plumbing solutions. These developments include smart water heaters, leak detection systems and water use monitoring.

Smart systems can optimize water heating and usage, which leads to reduced bills. These systems usually come with mobile apps that allow users to manage their plumbing remotely. For example, if a leak is discovered while you are away from home, you can switch off the water supply.

2. Pipe Materials

The plumbing sector is seeing serious improvements in pipe materials, which are gradually replacing classic options such as copper and galvanized steel. In addition, modern pipe materials are engineered to be more resistant to common problems such as corrosion and scale.

These new materials have a number of advantages that improve the efficiency, durability and cost-effectiveness of the whole system. They are also typically more adaptable and usually less expensive. The flexibility of modern pipe materials simplifies the installation procedure.

Two most popular examples are PEX (cross-linked polyethylene) and CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride). These plumbing industry trends are replacing traditional materials.

3. Sustainable and Green Plumbing

Smart technology not only makes plumbing more convenient and cost-effective but also meets a top customer priority – sustainability. Nowadays, people are very aware of their impact on the planet and want plumbing solutions that help reduce damage and support eco-friendly practices.

Eco-friendly plumbing options are becoming more common. Customers can choose low-flow toilets and systems that connect to renewable energy sources. For example, Water-Efficient Shower-heads, which are designed to use less water while maintaining strong water pressure.

4. Tankless Water Heaters

Traditional water heaters store a significant amount of water in a tank and keep it warm at all times, ready to use. Tankless water heaters, in contrast, do not store any water. They use high-powered burners or electric tools to heat water as it flows through the machine.

Tankless water heaters are energy efficient, you can avoid energy loss and also save money on the bills.

5. Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality (AR) is a modern technology, which projects digital elements into the real world using devices such as smartphones, tablets, or special eyewear.

AR is revolutionizing traditional plumbing workflows by giving plumbers valuable tools for training, diagnostics and maintenance. You can establish realistic training simulations and diagnoses.

AR provides plumbers with advanced capabilities. Businesses are able to transform their operations, increase efficiency and provide better service to their customers.

Future Forecast of the Plumbing Industry

The plumbing industry is on the edge of major changes. From smart technology to sustainable practices, the way we think about and interact with plumbing is evolving quickly. Smart plumbing systems, which include sensors and artificial intelligence, have the power to transform the whole system of how we manage water, detect leaks and maintain our plumbing infrastructure.

Nowadays, sustainable methods like as water recycling, energy-efficient fixtures, and eco-friendly materials are becoming very important in plumbing design and installation.


In this article, we’ve discussed the future prospects and plumbing industry trends, as well as, the reasons why It’s essential to stay updated on these advancements. By doing so, you, as a plumbing business owner, can properly embrace innovation and sustainability while also meeting the needs of customers and converting to eco-friendly solutions.

10 Best Lead Sources for Restoration Contractors in 2024

10 lead sources for restoration contractors

Which sources of leads are most effective for your restoration company in 2024? Lead generation should be the focus of your marketing budget, but you must choose sources that will pay off in the long run before you invest time and money into them.

When choosing lead generation sources, consider each lead’s quantity, quality, and out-of-pocket cost. So, what are these restoration lead sources? In this article, we’ll take a look at the ten most common lead-generation sources for restoration businesses.

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Best Lead Sources for Restoration Contractors

Here is a list of ten guaranteed lead generation sources for any restoration company:

1. Reviews and Testimonials

reviews and testimonials

In 2024 positive reviews and testimonials will have a remarkable impact on your restoration company’s brand perception and reputation.

Why? Because most of your potential clients tend to make decisions based on other’s experience. For this reason, positive reviews and testimonials from customers can help you get more clients. Moreover, positive reviews are good for building trust and visibility for your company.

Make sure not to get negative reviews as they can damage your reputation.

Why Your Home Service Restoration Company Needs Google Reviews

2. Word of Mouth Referrals

Referrals are another effective lead source for your restoration company. Unlike other lead sources, referrals leverage existing customers to reach new ones. When someone is referred to your restoration company by, for example, a friend, they’re more likely to trust it and hire you.

So, if you want to get more leads, encourage your satisfied clients to recommend your services to their friends, family and colleagues. To pay back, you can offer discounts or promotions for each referred client.

Power of Customer Testimonials for Restoration Businesses

3. Plumbers


Imagine someone is facing water damage and they need to stop the water leak. Who would they call first? Yes, plumbers. When the flood is under control, they will contact a restoration company to repair the damage. This is why partnering with local plumbers or plumbing companies can be a good lead source.

When partnering with plumbers ask them to provide your contact information or promote your services. So your restoration company’s number can be the first to call when homeowners need help.

11 Powerful Ways To Get More Plumbing Jobs

4. Insurance Companies

Collaborate with local insurance companies to cross-promote your restoration services and tap into their networks. By partnering with local insurance companies, you will be able to offer your services to their policyholders.

This will provide an additional source of potential customers and will help to increase the revenue for your business. Additionally, insurance companies can also provide referrals or endorsements, which can help to build trust with potential customers.

5. Local Communities

You can find potential restoration leads in your local community. For example, get involved in local community events, volunteer with your restoration services, or sponsor local organizations. This will help you build brand awareness and establish yourself as a trusted resource in your community.

6. Property Managers

The same as plumbers, property managers are in a position to connect your restoration company with potential clients. They have direct access to a large network of tenants and are often responsible for handling property damage claims.

By collaborating with property managers, you can gain access to a valuable pool of leads and establish yourself as a trusted partner in the property management community.

To build relationships with property managers you will need to:

  • Educate and inform
  • Offer Discounts and Referral programs
  • Attend Property Managers’ events
  • Maintain ongoing communication

7. Networking

four people who are networking

In the competitive restoration industry, networking is an essential tool for building relationships, expanding your reach, and securing new business opportunities.

By effectively connecting with industry peers, contractors, and potential clients, restoration companies can enhance their brand awareness, establish themselves as thought leaders, and attract a steady stream of leads.

To make sure that networking is effective, you will need to:

  • Attend industry events
  • Find online networking platforms
  • Join professional associations
  • Offer volunteer services

5 Benefits of Networking For Restoration Contractors in 2024

8. Local SEO

google map

Local SEO is a search engine optimization strategy that helps your restoration business be more visible in local search results on Google. So if your restoration business has a physical location or serves a geographic area, local SEO can be another lead source.

Start by creating your local Google My Business profile and optimizing it with the relevant information like phone number, physical address, website address and email.

9. Online Restoration Job Platforms

As homeowners seek reliable restoration services, skilled contractors are in high demand. In 2024 online job platforms will continue to be one of the most powerful lead sources for restoration contractors. Thus, don’t miss an opportunity and start getting more clients by creating profiles on online platforms like Angie’s List, HomeAdvisor, and Yelp.

10. A Lead Generation Company

Yes, lead generation companies like Inquirly can be a good source of leads for restoration contractors. We can provide you with a steady stream of qualified leads, which can help you grow your business and increase your revenue.

Here are some of the benefits of Inquirly for restoration contractors:

  • We can reach a wider audience than you can with your own
  • We can target your leads more effectively
  • We provide you with leads that are looking for you
  • We can help you track and measure your results

The Costs of Plumbing Leads in 2023


Are you looking for ways to reduce the costs of your plumbing leads and attract new ones? If so, then your primary focus should be on the expenses involved in generating those opportunities.  Whether through organic search results paid or print ads. For a plumbing company like yours, it’s crucial that your customers find your business. 

How will you determine the costs for attracting new plumbing leads in 2023? This article will examine the 4 most cost-effective options for promoting your plumbing business. 

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4 Marketing Choices for Your Plumbing Business

Here are 4 effective ways to handle marketing and advertising campaigns for plumbing businesses in 2023. 

1. Do-It-Yourself Marketing

Either you or one of your employees handles all your marketing efforts. Despite the outcomes, you’re covering the costs of your marketing and advertising. This approach offers the opportunity to have more control over your messaging.

Additionally, this allows you to tailor your marketing efforts to align closely with your business vision and values. Consider that these new priorities might take away time you could spend on jobs or cut into your personal time.

Cost Associated

Managing your own marketing gives you the significant benefit of closely overseeing your expenses. You can raise your budget for more plumbing jobs during slow periods or reduce it when you’re busier. Yet, this control also requires you to handle and track your marketing campaigns.

This involves grasping new technology, experimenting with various campaigns and tweaking based on your results. It doesn’t mean you can’t effectively generate plumbing leads with just a couple of hours of work each week. It might take a more extended period to set up those campaigns to make them lucrative.

2. Recruiting a Marketing Professional

You can hire a full or part-time marketing individual. On top of their salary, you cover the costs of your marketing and advertising campaigns.

Cost Associated

Bringing in a marketing professional addresses the challenge of staying up to date on marketing and advertising best practices. Whether it’s a full-time or part-time hire. They should have the expertise and experience to handle your campaigns. By securing more plumbing jobs for your business. 

Remember that this involves the extra expense of employing that staff member. According to GlassDoor, the average pay for a marketing professional nationwide is $67,000 plus benefits. Whilst a junior professional would be cheaper, they would need much more oversight. A part-time marketing person’s hourly rate varies from $25 to $100 or even higher.

3. Advertising or Marketing Agency

You enlist a marketing agency to promote your business on your behalf. Today, most marketing agencies offer all-in-one solutions that will advertise your plumbing business.

Cost Associated

When you engage an advertising or marketing agency. You gain access to a complete team of marketing and advertising professionals. They will create a successful strategy to secure more plumbing jobs. This level of expertise comes with a cost and entails a long-term contract.

An average hourly rate starts at least $50 per hour, but it can vary up to several hundred dollars. The price can depend on the type of agency and its location. 

Additionally, they might impose a retainer or stipulate the least spending needed. Retainers may vary from $1000 to $3000 per month. While spending limits could begin at a few hundred dollars and go up from there.

The primary concern with agencies often revolves around unclear billing practices. Besides their hourly rates, they might also increase the cost of ad placements. For instance, you could run a paid search campaign at $30 per click, but they may raise the exact ad cost to $35 or even higher.

4. Lead Generation Company

logo inquirly

Last but not least, effectiveness is to contact home service lead generation companies. As they can bring the exact type of client your company is looking for. 

Cost Associated

Generally, lead generation companies provide agency-level expertise at a more affordable cost. Most of the lead generation companies are industry experts. They have industry experience, enabling them to secure more plumbing jobs.

Another benefit is that their revenues are linked to yours. They only earn when you receive a valid lead. So it’s in their best interest to offer you high-quality leads likely to result in jobs. Plumbing leads usually fall within the range of $35 to $100. Many companies permit you to impose a trip fee, enabling you to offset the lead’s cost.

Search for a lead generation company that only sends leads to one partner. Ensure that this company can provide you with clear pricing and billable criteria. Try to avoid companies that provide the same leads to multiple contractors. So you won’t get the same leads as your competitors.  

Final thought

Simply said, navigating the realm of plumbing business marketing involves crucial choices. Whether hiring professionals, engaging agencies, or choosing lead generation services. Each path comes with distinct costs and benefits. Assessing your business needs and resources can guide you toward the most effective strategy for attracting plumbing jobs in 2023.

If you seek expert help in drawing leads for your plumbing business, take the essential step by reaching out to us today. With Inquirly on-side, you’re not just nurturing your business’s expansion but also enhancing your lead generation endeavors to new heights. 

Why Choose Inquirly: The Ultimate Solution for Home Services Lead Generation

lead generation

In the ever-evolving landscape of home services, it’s not just about standing out in a crowded market – it’s about connecting with the right customers at the right time. That’s where Inquirly shines. We specialize in lead generation, particularly in water damage restoration and other home services such as plumbing, roofing, and bathroom remodeling. Our tailored solutions connect your business with high-quality, exclusive leads that are primed for conversion. Here’s why Inquirly is your key to gaining a competitive edge:

Identifying Your Ideal Customer Profile

Your business isn’t a one-size-fits-all operation, so why should your customers be? At Inquirly, we go beyond the basics to understand the intricacies of your ideal customer profile. Our strategy involves generating exclusive inquiries from specific geographical areas, ensuring that the leads you receive align perfectly with your targeted demographics. This means fewer wasted resources on unqualified leads and more time spent engaging with potential clients who have a genuine interest in your services.

Lead Generation: Value for Your Investment

Lead generation is an investment, and we believe in making every dollar count. Our services are transparent and affordable, designed to offer you unparalleled value. While the cost may vary depending on the volume and quality of leads, our ultimate aim is to maximize your ROI. We do this by focusing on quality over quantity, delivering leads with a higher conversion probability.

Effective Lead Management

Leads are only as good as your ability to manage them. Recognizing this, we deliver real-time leads directly to you, enabling you to engage potential clients promptly. The number of leads per month is flexible, based on your capacity and specific business needs. This ensures that you’re never overwhelmed, but always have a steady stream of potential clients to engage with.

Granular Filtering for Better Targeting

Inquirly’s advanced filtering capabilities allow you to refine leads based on geographical location and job type. This granular level of filtering means your resources are focused on the most relevant leads. The result? Increased conversion rates and a healthier bottom line.

Real-Time Lead Delivery

With Inquirly, you’re always in the loop. Our system operates 24/7, delivering leads to you in real-time. You’ll be notified as soon as a potential client expresses interest, allowing you to respond immediately. This minimizes the chance of a lead going cold, increasing your chances of securing a new customer.

Unmatched Client Support

We believe in partnerships, not transactions. Our support doesn’t end once we deliver the leads. We stand by our mantra of “we have your back,” offering ongoing support to ensure your satisfaction and success. Whether you have questions or need assistance, our US-based support team is always ready to help.

Flexible Pricing and Minimums

At Inquirly, we understand that every business has unique needs and budgets. Our pricing structure reflects this, designed to be flexible and accommodating. We don’t impose buying minimums. Unlike buying minimums, which require you to invest a fixed amount upfront regardless of the results, our pay-per-lead model allows you to pay only for the leads you receive. You only pay for what you get, which eliminates the uncertainty associated with traditional advertising methods. Secondly, it enables better budget management. By knowing exactly how much each lead costs, you can allocate your resources more effectively. This not only makes the most of your budget, but it also improves the overall efficiency of your marketing efforts.

Fair Credit Policy

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful business relationship. That’s why we have a transparent and fair credit policy in place. We conduct business with integrity, ensuring you always get what you pay for. If it’s not a valid lead, we will credit your account. 

Ready to Gain an Edge on the Competition and Supercharge Growth?

Choosing Inquirly means choosing a partner committed to propelling your business growth. We provide top-notch lead generation services tailored to your specific needs. With us by your side, you can focus on what you do best – serving your customers excellently.

Get in touch with us today and let us help you and your business!