Tag Archives: lead generation companies in US

How to Get Roofing Leads From Insurance Companies

Roofing contractor and insurance agent staying together

Whether your roofing business is located in the hurricane-prone region of Florida, or on the hailstorm-ravaged plains of Texas. Insurance companies can be your trusted and effective source of roofing leads. It is not a secret that over the last few years, the connection between roofing and insurance companies has grown increasingly, as more homeowners turn to their insurance providers for roof repair and replacement needs.

In this blog article, we will explain how roofing companies can get exclusive leads from insurance companies.

Role of an Insurance Company in a Roofing Business

Insurance agent searching for roofing contractors online

As part of the home maintenance and repair ecosystem, insurance companies play an important role, especially in areas prone to weather-related damages.

For example, when homeowners face roof damage due to events like storms, hail, or natural wear, they are most likely to turn to their property insurance providers ( Insurance companies ) and ask for coverage and assistance. This is where the role of insurance companies comes into play for roofing businesses.

When a claim is approved, the insurance company often recommends or selects roofing contractors to carry out the necessary repairs or replacements. This process creates a direct link between insurance providers and roofing businesses, offering a consistent source of work.

Moreover, working with insurance companies ensures that roofing businesses are engaging with clients who have guaranteed funding for their projects, thereby minimizing financial risks and uncertainties.

Therefore, establishing business relationships with insurance companies can lead to business growth for roofing contractors. It enables them to tap into a market of homeowners who are ready to undertake roofing work, backed by their insurance policies.

The partnership of roofing companies and insurance companies guarantees homeowners quality repairs. Because insurance companies typically vet contractors for quality and reliability.

Ways to Get Roofing Leads from Insurance Companies

Securing leads from insurance companies involves a multifaceted approach that combines relationship building, understanding the insurance process, and positioning your roofing business as a reliable partner. Here’s how you can effectively tap into this valuable lead source:

Develop Professional Relationships with Insurance Agents and Adjusters

The first step is to build professional relationships with key insurance personnel, such as agents and adjusters. These individuals are often the decision-makers or influencers when it comes to recommending roofing contractors.

Regular interaction with insurance agents and adjusters is crucial. Attend industry events, join local business associations, and participate in community activities where you might meet insurance professionals.

Offer services that can help insurance agents and adjusters, like quick assessments or estimates for damaged roofs.

Understand the Insurance Claims Process

Familiarize yourself with the insurance claims process for roofing repairs and replacements. Understand the typical procedures, timelines, and documentation required.

Position your business as a knowledgeable resource in the insurance claims process. This can involve assisting homeowners in understanding their policy coverage and guiding them through the claims process.

Get Certified and Stay Compliant

Insurance companies prefer working with certified and compliant roofing businesses. Obtain relevant certifications in your field and ensure your business adheres to industry standards and regulations. This not only builds trust with insurance companies but also demonstrates your commitment to quality and professionalism.

Showcase Past Works

Create a portfolio of completed projects, especially those involving insurance work. Highlight your ability to complete projects on time, within budget, and to a high standard. Additionally, encourage satisfied customers, especially those from insurance jobs, to leave positive reviews online. This enhances your reputation and visibility to insurance companies looking for reliable contractors.

Offer Excellent Customer Service and Work Quality

Ultimately, the quality of your work and customer service speaks volumes. High customer satisfaction and top-notch roofing services will lead to positive reviews and referrals. Insurance companies are more likely to recommend contractors who have a proven track record of satisfying clients and effectively managing roofing projects.

Ensure That Insurance Companies Can Find You Online

Make sure that your roofing business is on top of Google search results. Optimize your website for search engines with keywords related to roofing and insurance work.

Regularly update your site with informative content about roofing repairs, insurance claims, and your work process. All this can increase your visibility to both homeowners and insurance companies.

Stay Informed and Adapt

The insurance and roofing industries are constantly evolving. Stay informed about the latest trends, policy changes, and industry standards. Being adaptable and knowledgeable makes your business an attractive partner for insurance companies, who value contractors who are up-to-date and responsive to changes in the field.


Building relationships with insurance companies can be a transformative strategy for any roofing business looking to expand its client base and increase revenue. Remember that this journey is about building trust and showcasing expertise.

4 Reasons Your Leads Aren’t Converting

lead conversion

In the bustling home services industry, water damage restoration services are a critical need for both homeowners and businesses alike. With the industry projected to reach $1.2 trillion by 20261, the opportunity for growth is immense. However, the key to unlocking this potential lies in effective lead generation.

For many businesses, lead generation, specifically water damage leads, presents a significant challenge. In fact, 58% of contractors consider it their most formidable obstacle to growth. The struggle often lies in the low connection rate with leads, which averages 20-30%. This can significantly impact your return on investment (ROI) and ultimately, your bottom line.

Why Your Conversion Rate Might Be Low

1. Slow Response Time

A rapid response can dramatically improve conversion rates. The faster you respond to an inquiry, the higher your chances of securing the business.

2. Lack of Personalization

A personalized approach can make potential clients feel valued and more likely to engage with your business.

3. Under Utilizing Texting

In our digital age, text messaging has emerged as a powerful tool for lead generation. With open rates surpassing that of emails, it’s a direct and efficient way to reach potential clients.

4. Giving Up Too Soon

Persistence is crucial in lead generation. If a lead doesn’t respond at first, don’t give up. Follow-up messages can increase the likelihood of a response.

How to Boost Your Connection Rate

Improving your connection rate requires a comprehensive, data-driven strategy. Here are some tactics to consider:

1. Personalize Your Messaging

Tailored messages that cater to each lead’s unique needs can significantly enhance engagement rates.

2. Leverage Data Analytics

Data analytics can provide invaluable insights into your target audience’s behavior and preferences, helping you tailor your follow-up strategies for maximum impact.

3. Clearly State Your Value Propositions

Ensure your messages clearly convey the value of your services. Highlighting your unique selling points can make your offering more attractive to potential clients.

4. Build Trust

Cultivating a solid reputation through high-quality service, transparency, and positive customer experiences can boost your connection rate.

Google review is one of the best ways to accomplish this. Check out how Google can help your business here:

To Wrap It Up

By addressing these issues and implementing these strategies, you can potentially boost your connection rate from 20-30% to an impressive 70-80%. Remember, successful lead generation requires continuous learning and adaptation. Once a connection is established, focus on building trust and demonstrating the value of your services.

In the competitive landscape of water damage restoration services, a strong lead generation strategy is key. With the right approach, you can turn leads into loyal clients and drive your business growth.

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14 Sales Tips For Restoration Companies In The United States

14 sales tips for restoration companies

The restoration industry in the United States of America is a competitive one. As there are 57,522 Damage Restoration Services businesses in the US as of 2023, an increase of 0.6% from 2022. Thus it can be difficult to stand out from competitors but at the same time, this means that people are in need of restoration contractors. That’s where sales skills and techniques come in. So, in this article, we will reveal 14 simple, but effective sales tips. By following these simple tips you can increase your chances of closing more deals.

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14 Simple Sales Tips for Restoration Companies

1. Build Trust With Your Customers

People are more likely to buy from companies they know and trust. That’s why before you even try to sell them anything. It’s important to build relationships with potential customers and win their trust. Get involved in your community, attend industry events, and network with other business owners. The more people who know about your company, the more likely you are to get leads and sales.

2. Educate Potential Customers About Your Services

No matter what type of restoration services you provide. Many people still don’t know much about the restoration industry. People may not even know that they need your services until after a disaster has already struck. For this reason it’s important to educate your potential customers about what you do and how you can help.

Use your restoration company’s website for this. You can start creating informative blog posts, infographics or videos. Explain what type of restoration services you offer and the benefits of working with you. This can lead potential customers to contact you. Even before they will need your services.

Why Your Home Service Restoration Company Needs Google Reviews?

3. Use Easy to Understand Language

When explaining restoration services, focus on clear and easy to understand communication. Avoid industry jargon and articulate the process in straightforward terms. Remember that most of the clients appreciate simplicity. And a transparent approach enhances their understanding and confidence in your restoration solutions.

11 Powerful Ways To Get More Plumbing Jobs

4. Be Responsive and Timely

Today, responsive and timely customer service is a key to success. For this reason, when a potential customer contacts you, be sure to respond timely. This will show that you’re interested and committed to solve their problem.

For a better customer service you can establish a support systems like:

  • Incorporating phone number
  • Email
  • 24×7 live chat
  • Customer interactions tracking app

5. Offer Free Consultations and Estimates

One of the best ways to close deals is to offer free consultations and estimates. This gives potential customers a chance to learn more about your services. Additionally, it gives a better understanding of how much it will cost to fix their problem. Be sure to be professional and thorough during your consultations. Make sure to answer all the customer’s questions.

If you can’t answer their question or give them an estimate right away. Let them know when you’ll be able to get back to them. So you won’t lose this client right away.

The Costs of Plumbing Leads in 2023

6. Highlight Your Experience

Showcase and highlight your restoration experience. Share details of successful projects, emphasizing your track record of delivering effective solutions. When potential clients see what you’ve done before, it makes them confident in your ability to handle their restoration needs.

7. Provide High Quality Services

Make quality a focal point of your restoration services. Highlight meticulous attention to detail and a dedication to excellence. High quality will set your restoration business apart. Showcase a commitment to delivering only the best results.

8. Adapt to Clients Needs

Clients’ needs should be your top priority. Thus, flexibility is key in the restoration business. Understand the client’s concerns and adapt your services accordingly. Whether accommodating specific timelines or addressing unique project requirements. Personalized approach goes a long way.

Showcase your ability to pivot and cater to individual needs. Demonstrating that your restoration services aren’t one-size-fits-all. By prioritizing client satisfaction and being adaptable. You create an experience that resonates with your clients and meets their needs. This also leaves them in a position where they are more likely to recommend your service to others.

9. Build Networking

Establish a robust local network for your restoration business. Networking is a powerful tool that can broaden your reach. Use it to get more sales and create more opportunities to connect with other people.

10. Make it Easy To Work With You

Your website should be easy to navigate and your contact information should be prominently displayed. You should also offer a variety of payment options, such as credit cards, PayPal, and financing. The easier it is for potential customers to do business with you, the more likely they are to close a deal.

11. Get Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Customer reviews and testimonials are a great way to build trust and credibility. Ask your satisfied customers to leave reviews on your website and on social media. You can also collect testimonials from customers and use them on your marketing materials.

12. Offer Referral Discounts

One of the best ways to generate new leads is through referrals. Offer your existing customers a referral discount for every new customer they bring you. This is a great way to incentivize your customers to spread the word about your company.

13. Invest in Lead Generation Marketing

There are many lead generation marketing strategies that you can use to attract new potential customers. These include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and social media marketing. By investing in lead generation marketing, you can increase the number of leads you receive and close more deals.

14. Hire Lead Generation Professionals

Consider hiring lead generation professionals with experience in the restoration industry. Make sure the professional or company has a proven track record of success. Ask for case studies and references to see how they helped other restoration companies generate leads.

Top 5 Home Service Lead Generation Companies in the United States

Real Customers, Real Revenue

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Why Your Home Service Restoration Company Needs Google Reviews

why you need google reviews

As a home service restoration company, you know that online trust is essential. When homeowners are facing a disaster, they need to be able to rely on your company to get the job done right. One of the best ways to build online trust is to have a strong online reputation, including positive Google reviews. In fact, it is a powerful marketing tool that can significantly impact the success of your restoration business. 

Here are just a few of the reasons why your home service restoration company needs Google reviews:

Why Do Google Reviews Matter?

In online marketing, Google reviews are super valuable and the statistics say it all.

  1. Over 60% of consumers go to Google when looking for local businesses.
  1. For individuals in the 18-34 age group, a whopping 91% rely on Google to find local businesses.
  1. Almost 79% of consumers put the same level of trust in online reviews as in recommendations from friends.
  1. On average, a local business with positive online reviews is 68% more likely to attract customers.
  1. Boosting average reviews from 3.5 to 3.7 stars results in a remarkable 120% increase in conversion rates.

11 Powerful Ways To Get More Plumbing Jobs

4 Reasons Why Are Google Reviews Needed?

1. Google Reviews is One of the First Things Potential Customers See

Studies have shown that over 90% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase decision. So if you have a lot of positive Google reviews, you’re more likely to stand out from the competition and attract new customers.

2. Google Reviews Help You Rank Higher in Search Results

Google uses a variety of factors to determine how to rank websites in its search results, and one of those factors is the number and quality of reviews the website has. So, the more positive Google reviews you have, the more likely you are to appear at the top of the search results for relevant keywords

3. Google Reviews Build Trust and Credibility

When potential customers see that you have a lot of positive Google reviews, they’re more likely to trust your company and feel confident in hiring you.

4. Can Help You Improve Your Restoration Services

By reading your Google reviews, you can get feedback from your customers and learn what they liked and didn’t like about your services. This feedback can help you identify areas where you can improve and provide even better service to your customers in the future.

How Can You Get More Google Reviews?

A. Ask Your Customers For Reviews

After you’ve completed a job, simply ask your customer if they would be willing to leave a review on Google. You can also send them a follow-up email with a link to your Google review page.

B. Make it Easy For Customers to Leave Reviews

Your Google review page should be easy to find and navigate. You can also make it easier for customers to leave reviews by providing them with a link to your review page in your email signature and on your website.

C. Respond to All Reviews

Whether the review is positive or negative, it’s important to respond to all reviews. This shows your customers that you value their feedback and that you’re committed to providing excellent service.


In short, the importance of Google reviews for your home service restoration company cannot be overstated. These reviews are not just a collection of stars. They are a dynamic force that can shape the trajectory of your business. Building trust, enhancing visibility, and differentiating your company are all achieved through the power of customer reviews. 

Want to elevate your restoration business? Reach out to us today for expert assistance in drawing leads. Inquirly can be your partner in elevating not just your business growth but also your lead-generation strategies to unparalleled levels.

Top 5 Home Service Lead Generation Companies in the United States


Today, home service businesses rely heavily on lead generation companies to sustain growth by connecting them with potential customers. Home service lead generation companies seamlessly bridge the gap between service providers and consumers, doing the legwork for you.

However, choosing the right lead generation company can be difficult with so many options. In this detailed article, we will outline what to look for, why it is important, and five of the top options available to contractors in the US.

What are home service lead generation companies?

Home service lead generation companies specialize in connecting home services businesses with future customers. These companies utilize various marketing strategies, online platforms and databases to identify and target individuals seeking services such as:

Appliance Repair, Bathroom Remodel, Biohazard, Gutters, Fire Damage, Locksmith, Mold Removal, Pest Control, Plumbing, Roofing, Siding, Water Damage and more.

Top 5 Home Service Lead Generation Companies in the United States

1. Inquirly

Inquirly takes the top spot thanks to its exceptional lead quality. Advertising an 8.5x return on investment is no mean feat. However, a quick glance through Google reviews will tell you all you need to know.

“I have been currently working with different lead generation companies for quite some time now, and honestly speaking Inquirly generates the most calls and most importantly the highest quality leads.”

“I have been using this company for a few weeks for water damage leads and we love it. With the quantity and quantity of leads along with their acceptance standards, it has been an amazing tool for growing my business.”

Another benefit of working with Inquirly is that growth comes with zero risk. This is thanks to no setup fees, no binding contracts and the freedom to cancel at any time.

Their lead generation services include:

2. HomeAdvisor

Likely the most well-known, and well-established service is Home Advisor. Thanks to its strong following across the internet, simply having a well-optimized HomeAdvisor profile can help you get noticed on Google when you’re just starting up.

3. ConXpros

Known for their dedication to customer service, conXpros advertise a 92% customer success rate. As well as a dedicated handler, this is also the case with many on this list.

4. ServiceDirect

Another massive name in lead generation across the United States is service direct. Delivering two million leads each month, they are a very safe bet. They also offer great features such as being able to choose your cost basis for leads, and filtering out the ones you don’t want.

5. 33 Mile Radius

Their lead generation system takes the hassle out of marketing, letting you focus on completing the jobs that make you money. With fair and flexible pricing, our leads will increase jobs and revenue. 

The Importance of Lead Generation for Home Service Businesses

Lead generation is the lifeblood of any home service business. It ensures a steady stream of potential customers, increasing the chance of converting leads into loyal clients that recommend your services to friends and family. Partnering with a reliable lead generation company can have a hugely significant impact on business growth and profitability.

How Do Home Service Lead Generation Companies Work?

Home service lead generation companies use a multi-faceted approach to attract potential customers. Their teams of marketing professionals approach prospects from all angles, leaving you free to reap the rewards and supercharge your business growth.

What to Consider When Choosing A Home Service Lead Generation Company

Here are some important considerations when finding the best value for your home service business:

  • Lead Quality: What is the average ROI on home service leads? What is the typical conversion rate for inbound calls? These questions should be easily answerable by competent lead generation businesses.
  • Industry Reputation: How reputable is the business? Do they have a strong track record of delivering leads for home service companies? How well do they serve my local area?
  • Range of Services: How many service niches can they offer lead generation in? How well does that serve my business?
  • Customer Support: Are they prompt and efficient in onboarding? This will be a great way for them to demonstrate their dedication as your relationship moves forward.


Obviously, there’s a huge range of options out there. However, come to work with us at inquirly.com and you can guarantee incredible service, competitive rates, and even better leads. There is a reason our clients keep coming back for more.

Get in touch today to speak with a member of our team, or look at the services we offer on our website.