Tag Archives: roofing leads

Google Ads for Roofers – Tips to Get More Leads

Google ads for roofers

Did you know that businesses can boost their visibility on search engines by up to 80% using Google Ads? By targeting specific keywords and geo locations, roofers can maximize their advertising return on investment (ROI) and grow their business effectively.

So, want to generate more leads for your roofing business? Google Ads could be a great solution. In this article, we help you understand the essentials and provide tips on how Google Ads for roofers work.

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Before we start with the tips it is important to have a little know-how about the benefits

🚀 Benefits of Google Ads for Roofers

  • Cost-Effectiveness – Google Ads uses a pay-per-click (PPC) method, which means you only pay if someone clicks on your ad. This is a perfect option for small and medium-sized roofing companies with limited marketing resources
  • Target Audience – you can tailor your ads to reach individuals who are actively looking for roofing services in your area
  • Quick Outcome – once your campaigns are up and running, you may begin drawing leads shortly thereafter

Now, let’s take a look at the tips to get more leads

Top 5 Google Ads Tips For Roofers

  1. Ad Copy
  2. Keyword Optimization
  3. Geo-Targeting
  4. Ad Extensions
  5. Negative Keywords
  6. Landing Page
  7. Conversion Tracking
  8. Ad Scheduling

1. Ad Copy

Words do have great power, even the statistics say that modifying a single word can increase your CTR by 161%, sounds great, right? That is why some businesses thrive while others struggle. It’s all about the Ad copy!

Ad copy is the first interaction that customers have with your brand. This encourages users to take action, click on your ad and discover what your company has to offer.

  1. Use easy-to-understand language and be concise. Try to highlight the benefits and unique selling aspects of your roofing services briefly. Do not use complicated sentences or jargon.
  2. Incorporate a powerful call-to-action (CTA) into your ad language to encourage users to act. It can be something like “Get a Free Quote” or “Book Your Appointment Today”.

2. Keyword Optimization

Keyword optimization is essential for the success of your roofing company’s Google Ads campaigns. Begin by selecting keywords that are highly related to your services and region, so that potential clients can simply find your ads when they search online.

Regularly review and refine your keyword strategy based on performance data. You can search for keywords using various online tools, such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs.

3. Geo-Targeting

Geo-targeting in Google Ads is a marketing technique that allows you to target your advertisements to specific geographical areas. This feature enables roofing companies to accurately target consumers in their service areas, ensuring that ads are seen by the most relevant people.

Advertisers can use geolocation data to build personalized campaigns, optimize ad performance and increase their return on investment.

4. Ad Extensions

You may use Ad extensions in your Google Ads to improve your ad’s visibility and relevancy in search engine results pages (SERP). Using ad extensions will increase your CTR (Click-through rate). There are several types of the Ad extensions, for example:

  • Sitelink Extensions – you can add additional links to specific pages on your website, directing users to landing pages or specific sections of your site.
Sitelink Extensions
  • Callout Extensions – additional pieces of text that you can include in your Google Ads to highlight key selling points or offers. They display below your ad’s description and provide readers with additional information about the goods or services.
callout Extensions
  • Structured Snippets – highlight specific characteristics of your products or services in an organized manner. These extensions appear below your ad description and showcase the categories or types of products/services your company provides. For example, if you run a roofing firm, you could use structured snippets to showcase various roofing materials, services, or warranty choices.
Structured Snippets

5. Negative Keywords

Keywords are good but now let’s talk about negative keywords. Briefly, negative keywords are phrases that you specify to prevent your ads from displaying when users include those keywords in their search queries.

Negative keywords in Google ads help businesses adjust their targeting and guarantee the ads are delivered to the most appropriate audience.

Negative keywords for a roofing business might include terms like:

  • “Free Roofing”
  • “Career/Training”
  • “DIY”

Regularly reviewing your search terms and implementing negative keywords is essential for lowering your cost per lead and increasing the relevance of the searches where your ads appear

6. Landing Page

Creating a dedicated landing page for your roofing business’s Google Ads will help you generate more leads. By creating a separate page for your ads, you can tailor the content and also measure how effectively your ads perform.

Focus on simplicity when making a landing page for Google Ads. Use a captivating headline that cuts the eyes of the users. Don’t forget, high-quality images are important to show the team, roofing projects and satisfied customers. Landing pages should be informative and easy to navigate, so potential customers can quickly find what they’re looking for and take action.

7. Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking in Google Ads for roofing businesses is essential to increase lead generation. Tracking important actions such as form submissions or phone calls allows you to analyze the success of your ads and determine which campaigns generate the most value leads. This data enables you to optimize your ad spending and improve your targeting to get more quality leads.

  • Identify valuable behaviors on your website, such as form submissions or phone calls, that indicate leads or purchases generated by your Google ads.
  • In your Google Ads account, navigate to the “Tools & Settings” menu. Click on the “+ Conversion” button to create a new conversion action.
  • Test it to ensure it’s working correctly.

8. Ad Scheduling

Ad scheduling allows you to set certain hours and days for your advertisements to run, guaranteeing they reach your target audience when they’re most likely to convert.

There are a few steps to follow to set it up. First, it is important to identify the peak times when your roofing business receives the most clicks and conversions. Then in your Google Accounts access the Ad Scheduling tool and set your preference time and day you want your ads to appear. Lastly, monitor the ad performance and make adjustments if necessary.

What To Keep In Mind

When implementing Google Ads for roofers strategy for your roofing business, there are a few important things to remember. First, make sure your targeting is consistent with your ideal consumer demographics and geographic area. Second, keep track of and modify your budget allocation regularly to optimize spending. Third, stay up to date on industry trends. Lastly, prioritize quality score (a metric used by Google Ads) and ad testing to continuously improve your campaign’s effectiveness.


In this article, we provide all the essential information that will help you excel in mastering Google Ads for roofing businesses. Each of them carries significant importance in handling the complexities of online advertising successfully.

Implementing the tips and strategies discussed in this article can help you optimize your campaigns to generate more leads, enhance ad performance and eventually grow your roofing business.

5 Easy Ways to Get Roofing Leads

Man thinking about the 5 ways hoe to get more roofing leads

Did you know that in the US, the roofing industry is worth billions of dollars? and it is even expected to increase more 0.6% in 2024.

The numbers say it all, in such a competitive market to remain steady, as a roofer, you need to adapt new strategies and find new ways to get more roofing leads.

The strategies do not necessary mean focusing only on online presence. Keep in mind that word-of-mouth marketing and many other traditional methods have a lot to contribute in your roofing business. By combining online and offline strategies, you can reach more audience while staying competitive.

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Top 5 Simple Steps To Generate More Leads

  1. Strategic Partnerships
  2. Lead Generation Companies
  3. Roofing Website
  4. Social Media Engagement
  5. Customer Testimonials
Strategic Partnerships to get more roofing leads

Networking is a key to success, as you have likely heard that phrase many times before. And.. it definitely is! From a broader viewpoint, it is obvious that teaming up with strategic partners helps generating more leads. But where to begin? After careful consideration of all the aspects, we present you some tips.

Firstly, don’t underestimate offline visibility. Attend relevant conferences, trade shows and every single event where you see the chances to network. Connect with businesses, like real estate agencies or hardware stores – they can send customers your way when their clients need roofing work done.

Another way is to find roofers or roofing companies in your local area, establish strategic partnerships and expand your business. You can also join local contractor groups, they often present valuable opportunities for growth.

2. Lead Generation Companies

Lead Generation Companies to get more roofing leads

Ever wished finding new clients was stress-free? Or want to focus more on other things? In that case, Roofing Lead Generation Companies should be your top choice.

Lead Generation Companies apply digital marketing strategies to convert interested individuals to real customers. Strategies, like digital advertising and search engine optimization (SEO), all together contribute in lead generation.

Companies such as, Inquirly focus on high-quality and exclusivity. In addition to drawing more clients, exclusive approach also helps to build better brand identity and reputation for your roofing business. In other words, Lead Generation Companies help you save your time and resources while increasing the return on investment (ROI).

3. Roofing Website

Roofing Website to get more roofing leads

First impression matters, that’s why a well-structured and visually appealing website is essential for your roofing business. Nice layouts and easy navigation result In user satisfaction and grant the possibility that they will stay on your website more time.

Still hesitant about it? Imagine, your roofing website can generate leads any time, without any time offs or breaks.

A well-designed roofing website enhances trust and credibility as well. Your roofing business will be seen as a recognized and respected authority. Additionally, keep in mind that you will always be several steps ahead of competitors who still have outdated or poorly optimized websites.

4. Social Media Engagement

Social Media Engagement to get more roofing leads

Having a strong presence on social media is just as important as having a well-designed website. Active interactions with your audience by posting content, participating in discussions or just replying to comments, help build your relationships and even attracting more potential customers.

Recent statistics indicate that more than half of the world (62.3%) now uses social media. This numbers highlight the necessity of focusing the quality and engagement on your social media accounts. By improving your content, actively engaging with your audience and staying on top of current trends, you can easily use platforms to connect with potential customers and generate more leads.

Here, we provide some of the most interactive platforms

5. Customer Testimonials to get roofing leads

Customer Testimonials

Let’s take a look at another statistics, 92% of consumers read online reviews and testimonials when considering a purchase.

Customer reviews and testimonials are one of the best ways to get roofing leads. In other words, they are some kind of social proof that validates the quality of a good or service. When potential customers see the positive experiences of others, they feel more confident and secure in their decision to choose your roofing business.

Here we provide few essential steps to consider:

  1. Identify satisfied clients who have had good experiences with your roofing services
  2. Reach out and ask them to share their feedback about their experience
  3. Make sure you have clients’ permission to use their testimonials for marketing purposes
  4. Display all the testimonials on your website’s homepage and service pages


In conclusion, we have provided the insights about the easy ways to get roofing leads, each with its unique benefits. However, for optimal results, these strategies should support each other and work together.

By integrating above mentioned strategies into your overall marketing approach, you can develop an effective lead generation strategy that maximizes your range, engages the audience and boosts business growth in the roofing industry.

7 Best Roofing Lead Generation Companies in 2024

person looking for roofing lead generation companies

Ever urgently searched for a “roofing company near me” and felt overwhelmed by the choices? Imagine your roofing business effortlessly standing out as the top pick for locals in need. Well, that’s the magic you get when teaming up with roofing lead generation experts.

Elevate your roofing business to new heights in 2024 with the absolute best in roofing lead services. 

In this guide, we’re going to simplify the process for you and present the top 7. From innovative strategies to a proven track record, get ready to discover the game-changers in roofing lead generation.

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Top 7 Roofing Lead Generation Companies

  1. Inquirly
  2. RoofClaim
  3. Service Direct
  4. Lead PPC
  5. CraftJack
  6. Roofer Marketer
  7. Roofer Elite

1. Inquirly

Inquirly is a forerunner in roofing lead generation, dedicated to boosting your business to new heights. Producing exclusive, high-quality leads through specialized Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and a diverse portfolio of websites, Inquirly ensures a constant stream tailored to your roofing business.

What sets them apart? 

A steadfast commitment to exclusivity, ensuring each lead is yours and yours alone! This commitment not only ensures a direct line to potential customers but also guarantees ROI by streamlining your marketing efforts. 

Count on Inquirly for an uninterrupted flow of leads, granting immediate access to potential customers for your roofing business.

With a track record that speaks volumes, Inquirly goes beyond just leads; it’s your strategic partner for maximizing profits in your business. 

Website: inquirly.com

Contact Information: (855) 387-7272

Average Pricing: $60 per lead

2. RoofClaim

Elevate your business with RoofClaim, the go-to choice for exclusive and top-quality roofing leads. The company’s effective lead-generation strategies empower enterprises to expand their customer base and drive growth. 

Whether you’re considering lead purchasing or navigating the vast online landscape with strategies like social media, SEO, and PPC advertising, RoofClaim customizes solutions to perfectly fit your unique needs. 

Website: roofclaim.com

Pricing: $99/each

Top 6 Roofing Industry Trade Shows and Conferences of 2024

3. Service Direct

Service Direct is one of the leading businesses in roofing lead generation, offering tailored solutions for businesses. The company delivers high-quality leads for cost-effective customer acquisition. 

With their roofing leads program, businesses can define their ideal customer, set lead prices, and enjoy real-time connections in their service area. Service Direct brings transparency to ROI tracking, ensuring businesses know their exact return on investment.

Website: servicedirect.com

Pricing: $90–$300

4. Lead PPC

Lead PPC specializes in generating leads for roofing companies along with excelling in Franchise Development and Local Franchisee Marketing through PPC. With a decade of experience in the home services industry, Lead PPC has powered leads for major home services franchises in the U.S. 

Whether you’re a franchisee searching for local leads or a franchisor aiming for development leads, Lead PPC is your ideal choice. 

Website: https://leadppc.com

Pricing: $32 on average

5. CraftJack

CraftJack, a standout among the Top 7 Roofing Lead Generation Companies, provides exclusive, phone-verified leads tailored for success in your local area. The company offers ready-to-work leads, experienced assistance for seamless growth, and a unique strategy.

This company not only provides premium leads but also offers exclusive discounts, elevating your roofing business with a touch of sophistication. 


Contact Information: 866-332-7134

Pricing: $72

6. Roofer Marketer

Roofer Marketer provides an innovative system, a website designed on fast servers, targeted Adwords/PPC campaigns for real-time exclusive leads, and 7 years of SEO expertise to push your site to the top of Google’s first page.

Count on Roofer Marketer’s proven expertise to enhance your online presence and optimize your ROI and drive growth for your roofing business. Roofer Marketer suggests reliable and organic lead-generation solutions.

Website: roofermarketers.com

7. Roofer Elite

Empower your roofing business growth with the exclusive and proven lead generation engine at Elite Roofing Lead Generation. Tailored for your unique needs, whether residential or commercial. 

At Roofer Elite all leads are exclusive. Businesses can choose from various lead packages, including custom landing pages, real-time notifications, genuine exclusive roofing leads, and SEO optimization.

Website: https://rooferelite.com

Contact Information: (650) 304-0430


So, in this comprehensive guide, we have highlighted a list of the top 7 roofing lead generation companies in 2024. Which one to choose? It is all up to you and your roofing business needs. All of the mentioned companies offer exclusive and high-quality lead generation solutions that will help your business to stand out and succeed. 

How to Get Roofing Leads From Insurance Companies

Roofing contractor and insurance agent staying together

Whether your roofing business is located in the hurricane-prone region of Florida, or on the hailstorm-ravaged plains of Texas. Insurance companies can be your trusted and effective source of roofing leads. It is not a secret that over the last few years, the connection between roofing and insurance companies has grown increasingly, as more homeowners turn to their insurance providers for roof repair and replacement needs.

In this blog article, we will explain how roofing companies can get exclusive leads from insurance companies.

Role of an Insurance Company in a Roofing Business

Insurance agent searching for roofing contractors online

As part of the home maintenance and repair ecosystem, insurance companies play an important role, especially in areas prone to weather-related damages.

For example, when homeowners face roof damage due to events like storms, hail, or natural wear, they are most likely to turn to their property insurance providers ( Insurance companies ) and ask for coverage and assistance. This is where the role of insurance companies comes into play for roofing businesses.

When a claim is approved, the insurance company often recommends or selects roofing contractors to carry out the necessary repairs or replacements. This process creates a direct link between insurance providers and roofing businesses, offering a consistent source of work.

Moreover, working with insurance companies ensures that roofing businesses are engaging with clients who have guaranteed funding for their projects, thereby minimizing financial risks and uncertainties.

Therefore, establishing business relationships with insurance companies can lead to business growth for roofing contractors. It enables them to tap into a market of homeowners who are ready to undertake roofing work, backed by their insurance policies.

The partnership of roofing companies and insurance companies guarantees homeowners quality repairs. Because insurance companies typically vet contractors for quality and reliability.

Ways to Get Roofing Leads from Insurance Companies

Securing leads from insurance companies involves a multifaceted approach that combines relationship building, understanding the insurance process, and positioning your roofing business as a reliable partner. Here’s how you can effectively tap into this valuable lead source:

Develop Professional Relationships with Insurance Agents and Adjusters

The first step is to build professional relationships with key insurance personnel, such as agents and adjusters. These individuals are often the decision-makers or influencers when it comes to recommending roofing contractors.

Regular interaction with insurance agents and adjusters is crucial. Attend industry events, join local business associations, and participate in community activities where you might meet insurance professionals.

Offer services that can help insurance agents and adjusters, like quick assessments or estimates for damaged roofs.

Understand the Insurance Claims Process

Familiarize yourself with the insurance claims process for roofing repairs and replacements. Understand the typical procedures, timelines, and documentation required.

Position your business as a knowledgeable resource in the insurance claims process. This can involve assisting homeowners in understanding their policy coverage and guiding them through the claims process.

Get Certified and Stay Compliant

Insurance companies prefer working with certified and compliant roofing businesses. Obtain relevant certifications in your field and ensure your business adheres to industry standards and regulations. This not only builds trust with insurance companies but also demonstrates your commitment to quality and professionalism.

Showcase Past Works

Create a portfolio of completed projects, especially those involving insurance work. Highlight your ability to complete projects on time, within budget, and to a high standard. Additionally, encourage satisfied customers, especially those from insurance jobs, to leave positive reviews online. This enhances your reputation and visibility to insurance companies looking for reliable contractors.

Offer Excellent Customer Service and Work Quality

Ultimately, the quality of your work and customer service speaks volumes. High customer satisfaction and top-notch roofing services will lead to positive reviews and referrals. Insurance companies are more likely to recommend contractors who have a proven track record of satisfying clients and effectively managing roofing projects.

Ensure That Insurance Companies Can Find You Online

Make sure that your roofing business is on top of Google search results. Optimize your website for search engines with keywords related to roofing and insurance work.

Regularly update your site with informative content about roofing repairs, insurance claims, and your work process. All this can increase your visibility to both homeowners and insurance companies.

Stay Informed and Adapt

The insurance and roofing industries are constantly evolving. Stay informed about the latest trends, policy changes, and industry standards. Being adaptable and knowledgeable makes your business an attractive partner for insurance companies, who value contractors who are up-to-date and responsive to changes in the field.


Building relationships with insurance companies can be a transformative strategy for any roofing business looking to expand its client base and increase revenue. Remember that this journey is about building trust and showcasing expertise.

All-in-one Guide to Facebook Ads For Roofing Repair Companies in 2024

facebook ads for roofing  companies

In the 2024 dynamic world of digital marketing, roofing repair companies face a unique set of challenges and opportunities. While traditional advertising methods have long been the cornerstone of lead generation in this industry, the rise of social media platforms, particularly Facebook, has opened new avenues for reaching potential clients.

This guide delves into the transformative power of Facebook ads for roofing repair companies moving beyond the conventional digital marketing strategies tailored to your unique needs.

Facebook, with its vast user base, is not just a social media platform but a marketplace that gathers potential leads. However, the effectiveness of Facebook Ads isn’t just about reaching a large audience; it’s about reaching the RIGHT AUDIENCE. The platform’s targeting tools allow roofing companies to pinpoint homeowners who may urgently need roofing repairs or are considering renovations.

In this guide, we will focus on strategic, thoughtful approaches to Facebook advertising, specially crafted for the roofing repair industry. We will not just talk about creating ads but we will be talking about crafting a compelling narrative that resonates with homeowners. We will help you to understand the pain points of homeowners dealing with roof issues and present your company as the solution.

Furthermore, we will debunk common misconceptions about digital advertising in the roofing industry and offer fresh perspectives. This includes understanding seasonal trends in roofing issues, aligning your advertising efforts accordingly, and leveraging customer testimonials in your ads to build trust and credibility.

Our goal is to equip you, the roofing business owner, with the knowledge and tools to transform your approach to online marketing, ensuring that your ads don’t just reach people but the right people, turning clicks into clients.

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Understanding the Power of Facebook Ads

The Reach of Facebook

For roofing repair companies, Facebook gives incredible opportunities to connect with potential leads. With over 2.8 billion active users, Facebook is not just a platform; it’s a global community where every age group, from millennials to baby boomers, interacts.

This diversity is a gold mine for roofing companies. Whether it’s a young couple buying their first home or a family looking to renovate their ancestral house, Facebook hosts them all. By tapping into this colossal user base, roofing companies can expand their reach far beyond the limitations of local advertising.

Targeting Capabilities

One of the most appealing features of Facebook Ads is its ability to target users with sophisticated precision. Unlike traditional advertising, where messages are broadcast to a general audience, Facebook Ads allow roofing companies to tailor their marketing messages to specific segments of the population. This is not just about demographics; it’s about behaviors, interests, and even life events. 

Imagine being able to target homeowners who have recently experienced severe weather conditions – a prime audience for roofing repair services. Or consider the potential for reaching out to new homeowners who might be looking to renovate.

Facebook’s targeting tools make this possible. By utilizing data like location, age, interests, and even past purchasing behavior, roofing companies can create highly targeted ad campaigns that speak directly to the needs and interests of their potential customers.

Moreover, Facebook’s lookalike audience feature is a game-changer. This tool allows companies to reach new people who have similar characteristics to their existing customers. For a roofing business, this means finding prospects who are more likely to need roofing services because they resemble their current customer base. 

But the power of Facebook Ads isn’t just about finding the right audience; it’s also about engaging them. The platform allows for varied and visually appealing ad formats, from photo and video ads to carousel and slideshow ads. These formats can be used creatively to showcase roofing projects, share customer testimonials, and highlight special offers, making ads not only informative but also engaging.

Do Facebook Ads Work for Roofers?

Yes, Facebook ads work for roofers!

The roofing industry, with its unique business model and customer base, often grapples with the question of digital advertising effectiveness. Particularly for Facebook Ads, the query isn’t just about their general efficacy but their specific utility for roofers. Let’s delve into how and why Facebook Ads are not just a digital tool, but a strategic asset for roofing companies.

Success Stories

Real-world examples speak volumes. Across the United States, numerous roofing companies have harnessed the power of Facebook Ads to dramatically increase their leads and sales.

Consider a small roofing business in Texas that pivoted to Facebook Ads during a slow season. By targeting local homeowners who had recently experienced hailstorms, they saw a 70% increase in inquiries within just a few weeks.

Another example is a family-owned roofing company in Florida that used Facebook video ads to showcase their workmanship. The result? A 50% boost in engagement and a significant uptick in on-site estimates.

These stories are not anomalies but testaments to the potential that Facebook Ads hold for roofers. What makes these campaigns successful is a combination of strategic targeting, compelling content, and a clear understanding of the audience’s needs.

Statistical Evidence

Numbers don’t lie.

Recent studies have shown that for home service industries, including roofing, Facebook Ads have one of the highest returns on investment (ROI). A survey revealed that roofing companies using Facebook Ads experienced an average increase of 33% in leads.

Another striking statistic is the cost-per-lead (CPL) reduction, with some companies reporting a decrease of up to 40% compared to traditional advertising methods.

The reason behind these impressive figures is Facebook’s algorithm, which optimizes ad delivery to reach people most likely to take action, such as requesting a quote or scheduling a service. This level of optimization is unmatched by traditional media and even other digital platforms.

Roofing companies have noted that leads from Facebook Ads tend to be more qualified, with a higher likelihood of converting into paying customers. This is due to the platform’s ability to target users based on detailed demographic, geographical, and psychographic data, ensuring that your ad reaches those most in need of roofing services.

Beyond Numbers: Building Brand and Trust

Facebook Ads do more than generate leads; they build brand recognition and trust. In the roofing industry, where decisions are often based on trust and credibility, this is invaluable. Through consistent and authentic ad campaigns, roofing companies can establish themselves as industry leaders and reliable service providers in the eyes of their target audience.

Moreover, Facebook’s interactive nature allows for real-time engagement with potential customers. This interaction fosters a sense of community and reliability, further cementing the company’s reputation in the local market. 

Why Choose Facebook Ads?

why facebook ads

In the crowded digital marketing landscape, Facebook Ads stand out as a compelling choice for roofing companies. But why opt for Facebook over other platforms? This section breaks down the unique advantages that make Facebook Ads a smart investment for your roofing business.

A. Cost-Effectiveness

One of the most significant benefits of Facebook Ads is their cost-effectiveness. Unlike traditional media, which often requires a hefty budget for uncertain returns, Facebook Ads offer a more economical and measurable approach. With options for setting daily or campaign budgets, roofing companies can control their spending while still achieving significant reach.

Moreover, the cost-per-click (CPC) on Facebook tends to be lower than on other platforms, making it an affordable choice for small to medium-sized businesses. The ability to adjust and optimize campaigns in real-time ensures that every dollar spent is used efficiently, maximizing ROI.

B. Measurable Results

Facebook’s advanced analytics offer another compelling reason to choose this platform. With real-time data on ad performance, roofing companies can track everything from reach and engagement to conversions and sales.

This level of measurement allows for informed decision-making and strategy refinement. Understanding which ads resonate with the audience and why can transform your marketing efforts from a guessing game into a data-driven strategy, ensuring continuous improvement and effectiveness.

Crafting Your Facebook Ad Strategy

facebook ads strategy

A successful Facebook Ad campaign requires more than just setting up an ad; it demands a well-thought-out strategy. This section will guide you through the crucial steps of building an effective Facebook Ad strategy tailored to the roofing industry.

1. Understanding Your Audience

The foundation of any effective ad campaign is a deep understanding of your target audience. For roofing companies, this means going beyond basic demographics. Consider the specific needs, behaviors, and preferences of homeowners who might require roofing services.

  • Are they primarily concerned with emergency repairs?
  • Are they interested in long-term renovations?

By honing in on these details, you can craft messages that resonate deeply with your potential customers.

2. Ad Types and Formats

Facebook offers a variety of ad types and formats, each with its unique strengths. Photo ads are great for showcasing before-and-after images of roofing projects, while video ads can tell a more compelling story about your services.

Carousel ads allow you to display multiple images or services in a single ad, providing a comprehensive view of your offerings. Choosing the right format is crucial in capturing and retaining the attention of your audience.

How to Get Roofing Leads on Facebook?

Generating leads is the ultimate goal of any advertising campaign. This section provides practical tips on how to turn your Facebook Ads into a powerful lead-generation tool for your roofing business.

Create Compelling Content

The content of your ad is what engages and persuades your audience. For roofing companies, this means creating content that not only showcases your services but also addresses the common concerns and questions of homeowners. Use strong, action-oriented language, compelling visuals, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs) to encourage potential customers to take the next step.

Optimize for Conversions

To maximize the effectiveness of your ads, focus on optimizing for conversions. This involves not just the ad itself but the entire user journey. Ensure that your landing page is aligned with your ad in terms of message and design, and make the process of contacting you or requesting a quote as straightforward as possible. Use Facebook’s conversion tracking tools to monitor performance and make data-driven adjustments to your campaign.

Navigating Facebook Ad Policies

Understanding and adhering to Facebook’s advertising policies is crucial for a smooth and successful ad campaign. This section highlights the key policies that roofing companies need to be aware of and provides tips on how to stay compliant while effectively reaching your audience.

Measuring and Analyzing Ad Performance

The ability to measure and analyze ad performance is one of the greatest strengths of Facebook advertising. This section will guide you through the process of interpreting ad metrics and using this data to refine and improve your campaigns. Learn how to track key performance indicators (KPIs) like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and ROI to make informed decisions about your advertising strategy.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

To truly excel in Facebook advertising, it’s essential to go beyond the basics. This section provides advanced tips and tricks specifically for roofing companies looking to enhance their Facebook Ad campaigns.

Discover how to use A/B testing to refine your ad copy and visuals, explore retargeting strategies to capture leads who have shown interest, and learn how to use seasonal trends to your advantage.


As we wrap up this comprehensive guide, it’s clear that Facebook Ads offer a powerful, versatile, and cost-effective tool for roofing repair companies looking to generate leads and grow their business. By understanding and leveraging the unique features of Facebook Ads, you can connect with your target audience more effectively than ever before. Embrace these strategies, and watch your business reach new heights.

The Power of Pay-Per-Lead: Is Inquirly the Right Choice for You?


In the fast-paced digital landscape, your business needs to stay one step ahead to thrive. If you’re in the home services industry, covering sectors such as water damage restoration, roofing, or plumbing, you understand that the lifeblood of your growth hinges on a steady stream of high-quality leads. This is precisely where Inquirly’s pay-per-lead service excels. So, let’s cut to the chase: Is it worth it? We say a resounding yes. Here’s why.

The Power of Home Services Lead Generation

In the competitive arena of home services, standing out is paramount. Your water damage restoration, roofing, or plumbing business needs to not just reach potential clients but also make a compelling case for why they should choose you. This is where an effective lead-generation strategy comes into play. An expertly designed lead generation plan is more than a tool to attract potential customers; it’s an opportunity for you.

 It enables you to concentrate on the various other aspects vital to your business, setting the stage for sustainable growth. With Inquirly, you’re not just getting leads; you’re gaining time, focus, and the capacity to scale your operations. Inquirly’s lead generation services are here to provide tangible benefits that will strengthen 

Pay Per Lead: The Game-Changer

Pay per lead is a simple yet powerful concept. Instead of throwing money at broad, non-specific marketing campaigns, you will only pay for the valid leads delivered to you. This model offers an efficient, targeted approach to marketing, minimizing risk while maximizing potential rewards. With pay-per-lead, your marketing budget becomes an investment in tangible, potential business opportunities.

Inquirly understands that your marketing budget isn’t just an expense – it’s an investment in your business’s future. That’s why we’re committed to providing a service that delivers real, measurable results. Our pay-per-lead model ensures you’re investing in opportunities, not just impressions or clicks. With us, you’re not just buying leads; you’re buying potential customers, future sales, and long-term business growth. You’re buying certainty in an uncertain market. 

Here are a few reasons why pay-per-lead is so powerful:

  • Direct Connection with Potential Clients
  • Cost-Effective Strategy
  • Improved ROI
  • Customizable and Scalable
  • Builds Trust and Credibility

Meet Inquirly

Enter Inquirly, a trailblazer in the home services lead generation sphere. Offering standout pay-per-lead services, Inquirly is more than just a service provider – we are a partner committed to your success.

What sets Inquirly apart from the crowd? Our promise of exclusive, high-quality leads. While other lead generation services may distribute the same leads to multiple businesses, Inquirly guarantees that each lead you receive is yours and yours alone. This gives you a competitive edge, increasing your chances of converting leads into loyal customers.

The Inquirly Advantage: High-Quality Leads

Inquirly’s pay-per-lead service isn’t about quantity; it’s about quality. We specialize in generating high-quality leads from paid search advertising and a collection of owned and operated landing pages. These leads are specific to residential and commercial water damage restoration, mold removal, fire damage restoration, biohazard clean-up, roofing, bathroom remodel, and plumbing. In other words, these leads aren’t just potential customers; they’re potential customers actively seeking the services you offer.

Why Choose Inquirly?

Choosing Inquirly isn’t just choosing a lead generation service. It’s choosing a partner dedicated to providing high-quality, exclusive leads. It’s choosing a team with innovative marketing strategies, fair billing policies, and an unwavering commitment to your success.

Inquirly has a proven track record, with numerous successful campaigns that underscore the effectiveness of its pay-per-lead model. To sum it up, if you want to take your home services business to the next level, increase your influx of leads, and boost your ROI, Inquirly’s pay-per-lead service is more than worth considering. With our commitment to delivering high-quality leads and ensuring client success, we offer a valuable solution in today’s dynamic business environment.

Inquirly believes in a simple principle: Your success is our success. And who wouldn’t want a partner as invested in their growth as they are? Choose Inquirly and experience the difference for yourself.

Ready, Set, Grow!

Take the first important step towards a promising future by contacting us today. 

With Inquirly by your side, you’re securing your company’s success